Ready to recapture your youth even if you are in your 40's?

It's time to join my 40s Fitness Revolution!

  • Personalised Bliss:

    Your fitness journey is uniquely yours. Bid farewell to one-size-fits-all programs. My workouts are crafted specifically to address those fabulous 40s – boosting metabolism, building incredible strength, keeping those joints feeling fantastic and crushing your goals.

  • Mindful Fitness:

    In the chaos of daily life, I introduce mindfulness to your workouts. It's not just about physical fitness; it's a journey that nurtures your mental well-being, helping you manage stress and stay centered.

  • Flexibility to Fit Your Lifestyle:

    Life in your 40s is dynamic, and so is my F.F.R program. With online coaching it means the flexibility is yours. We can fit your fitness journey seamlessly into your busy schedule.

  • Results That Turn Heads:

    Imagine stepping into your 40s with newfound confidence, energy, and a physique that commands attention. Join the tribe of 40-somethings rewriting the rules and becoming the best versions of themselves!

    Who said fitness is a young persons game?

Don't Miss Out On This Incredible Opportunity! Your fabulous 40's is waiting!

What is F.F.R?

F.F.R is my Forties Fitness Revolution online coaching program.

I have spent many years training in fitness but finally hit on the success I was looking for in my mid forties. I qualified as a Personal Trainer at the age of 41 and embarked on a journey to find what are the most efficient and effective training methods to get head turning and inspiring results.

I firmly believe in leading by example. Through trial and error, along with investing in working with some of the best PT's in the UK (and some not so good ones lol) i have now discovered what i believe is the best way to get in the shape of your life and i am now ready to share it with you!

This experience has given birth to what i believe will be the best and last coaching program you will ever need as a forty something!

I can now take years off your guesswork and guide you to the best version of you through my F.F.R. online coaching program.

It's all about building you from the ground up! You must start with building a solid foundation and focus on strengthening your body from deep inside first.

Achy joints are an unwelcome common complaint we have all had in our 40s and my plan helps you say goodbye to discomfort with workouts that focus on joint-friendly movements, ensuring you leave each session feeling invigorated, not defeated......through using a foundation of bodyweight strength training!

Once the foundations have been laid you can progress to pushing on to power and strength you never thought possible.

You will feel more energised than ever!

Does your metabolism feel like it's slowing down? It's a common 40s woe. The F.F.R. coaching program helps combat those Midlife Metabolism Blues: your workouts will be designed to kickstart that metabolism, helping you torch calories, blast away body fat and regain that youthful energy.

I set up F.F.R. to expand my reach! I want to help as many of my fellow forty year olds as i can to defy old father time and recapture their youth!

I honestly don't believe that fitness is a young persons game and it is never too late to get in the shape of your life.

I can't wait to help you unlock your potential and realise your greatness!


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Ready to revolutionise your forties? Join my Forties Fitness Revolution and make this decade your healthiest, happiest, and most energetic yet!


Custom Tailored Workouts for 40 year olds:

The F.F.R program is designed with your fabulous 40s in mind, addressing metabolism, joint health, and overall vitality. Each workout is personalised to you and your fitness level and goals. Gym and home based options available.

Personalised Nutrition Guidance:

Nutrition plays a crucial role in your 40s fitness journey. Receive personalised guidance on fuelling your body with the right nutrients to enhance your energy levels, promote recovery based on proven strategies.

Accountability Partnership:

We're in this together! As your fitness confidant, I'll provide unwavering support, motivation, and encouragement. Say goodbye to solo workouts; with my accountability partnership, you're never alone on this journey.

Progress Tracking and Celebrations:

Watch your progress unfold! We track your achievements together, celebrate milestones, and constantly adjust the program to keep you challenged and progressing towards your fitness goals.


Custom Tailored Workouts for 40 year olds:

The F.F.R program is designed with your fabulous 40s in mind, addressing metabolism, joint health, and overall vitality. Each workout is personalised to you and your fitness level and goals. Gym and home based options available.

Personalised Nutrition Guidance:

Nutrition plays a crucial role in your 40s fitness journey. Receive personalised guidance on fuelling your body with the right nutrients to enhance your energy levels, promote recovery based on proven strategies.

Accountability Partnership:

We're in this together! As your fitness confidant, I'll provide unwavering support, motivation, and encouragement. Say goodbye to solo workouts; with my accountability partnership, you're never alone on this journey.

Progress Tracking and Celebrations:

Watch your progress unfold! We track your achievements together, celebrate milestones, and constantly adjust the program to keep you challenged and progressing towards your fitness goals.


(Best viewed in full screen)


Q: Is the Forties Fitness Revolution Coaching Program suitable for all fitness levels?

A: Absolutely! The program is personalised to accommodate various fitness levels, from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts. Whether you're starting your fitness journey or looking to elevate your current routine, the 40's Fitness Revolution Coaching Program is designed to meet you where you are and take you to your goals!

Q: Is your F.F.R. Coaching Program just for men or can women join too?

Of course! In fact, if you are a woman in your forties, i would encourage you to join the F.F.R program. Strength training is so so important for everyone and i have seen some incredible results from my female F.F.R athletes. I promise you will not end up 'bulky' either (unless that's your goal!)

Q. How does the personalised nutrition guidance work, and is it suitable for dietary restrictions?

A: My nutrition guidance is tailored to complement your fitness goals and accommodate any dietary restrictions or preferences you may have. I am plant based myself!

Through personalised consultations, we'll create a nutrition plan that aligns with your lifestyle, supports your fitness journey, and ensures you enjoy a balanced and sustainable approach to eating whilst delivering results.

Q: What sets the 40's Fitness Revolution Coaching Program apart from other fitness programs?

A: My program goes beyond conventional fitness routines by acknowledging and addressing the unique needs of individuals in their fabulous 40s. With a combination of personalised workouts, mindfulness integration, joint-friendly exercises, and a supportive community, I offer a holistic approach to fitness that sets me apart, all based on real world first hand experience. I focus on celebrating individual successes and fostering a sense of community that also contributes to the program's unique character.

Q: How does the accountability partnership work, and how often will I have access to coaching support?

A: The accountability partnership is a cornerstone of my program. As your fitness confidant, I'll provide ongoing support and motivation. You'll have regular check-ins, and I'll be available to address your questions, provide guidance, and celebrate your victories. The frequency of communication can be personalised based on your preferences and needs, ensuring you feel supported throughout and never alone on your 40's Fitness Revolution journey.

Q: I see you are based in the U.K.

Can I join your F.F.R. program if i don't live in England?

A: Yes absolutely! With the wonders of modern technology i can take you by the hand and guide you to success wherever you live in the world! (all communication will be in English language only!)

Q. How long is your F.F.R. coaching program?

A: My F.F.R. Coaching Program has been designed for you to get amazing results in your fabulous 40's. However, I am not here to deceive you. Real results take time. Don't believe the online fitness gurus promising you an amazing transformation or 6 pack abs in a matter of weeks!

If you are looking for a quick fix, then i cannot help you.

If you want to make a lasting change, then i promise to make a commitment to you, but you need to make a dedicated commitment to yourself. Investing in your health, fitness and wellbeing is one of the wisest decisions you will ever make.

My Forties Fitness Revolution is available in 3, 6 or 12 month options.

Don't Miss Out On This Incredible Opportunity!

Day one or one day?

Click Below to APPLY NOW!

Do you want to wake up stuck where you are now in a year or look back on one of the best years of your life?